Why I Hate... John Travolta

Why I Hate... John Travolta
Not many famous people can make me angry just by looking at them, but John Travolta is one of the elite few who possess such an ability. Look at him; the sun bouncing off the many curves of his huge, podgy face, the huge arse on his chin offsetting his smug, self-satisfied grin, his doughy cheeks screaming out "I'm worth millions and millions of dollars and there's nothing you can do about it!" How did a man who looks like the bastard lovechild of the Pilsbury doughboy and the Michelin Man manage to dominate Hollywood for so long? That's unfair - both the Pilsbury doughboy and the Michelin Man have talent in their own respective fields; Travolta, on the other hand, has been coasting on auto-pilot for years. Often literally.

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