
Set a reminder to win Total Recall on Blu-ray! Or something


22nd December 2012

Hey, do you REMEMBER that film Total Recall? If MEMORY serves, it got remade earlier this year, didn’t it? That’s right, I nearly FORGOT. Hahahahahahaha. Now that we’ve all had a laugh, fancy winning a Blu-ray?

I haven’t actually seen the new de-muscled version of Total Recall despite really wanting to. From what I understand Colin Farrell plays Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kate Beckinsale plays Sharon Stone and a woman with three breasts plays that woman with three breasts. It already sounds incredible.

Ali’s review is more evenly judged though and, if you need a clearer idea on how good the film is, I can tell you that it contains the following words: “clichéd”, “boneheaded” and “paper-thin plotting”. Luckily it also contains the words “ingenuity”, “absolutely stellar” and “veritable buffet of eye candy for cinematically obese aesthetes”. Fancy!

So I’m pretty sure we can assume that this is awesome-looking fluff stuff, perfect for your week-long post-Christmas food and alcohol coma. Hence we have three blu-rays to give away for your enjoyment. All you have to do is answer this question and then, if you win, put the disc in and press play. Granted, that last bit will seem like more effort than it’s worth after Christmas, but Colin Farrell beating up robots will no doubt make it all worthwhile. Good luck!

Obligatory official bit: Total Recall is out on Blu-ray, DVD and Download from Wednesday 26th December.

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