Ed Helms

News, Reviews & Features
  • Vacation

    Movie Review | Ed Williamson | 19th August 2015

    Online discourse being what it is, the announcement of a reboot or remake is usually greeted with dread and resentment. It's sacrilege. Why can't they just leave it alone? How can a woman possibly carry a proton pack? But this ignores the recent evidence that Hollywood has now got the cheat codes for 'repurposing'. Jurassic World, Godzilla, The Equalizer: respect the original property but make something of its own hue. You have nothing to fear from reboots except a Kevin James Uncle Buck, so make your way with confidence to see Vacation.

  • Unnecessary reboot news #1753: The Naked Gun

    Movie News | Luke Whiston | 13th December 2013

    Desperately horrible news from Hollywood today: they're finally so empty of ideas that The Naked Gun is getting a reboot. I mean, some things are just sacred, right? Well, apparently not. Ed Helms is the man stepping over Leslie Nielsen's still-warm corpse. Good luck, Ed. You're going to need it. And yes I know that's a clip from Airplane. And, yes, I know Airplane! has an exclamation mark, but it looks really weird at the end of a sentence.

  • We're The Millers

    Movie Review | Ali | 24th August 2013

    Nine years ago, Rawson Marshall Thurber directed Dodgeball but left the film's funniest scene as alternate ending on the DVD. Mid-way through the final match, one of Ben Stiller's team hits his opposite number with the ball and the game ends – it's incredibly anti-climactic. Vince Vaughn's team looks devastated. Then the credits roll. There's no punchline, they just lost, and now the movie's over. That, in itself, is hilarious. You can understand why the studio didn't want Thurber to use the ending, because it sacrifices the story and the character arcs for a bold gag. Fast-forward to 2013, and don't be surprised if you see a similarly abrupt alternate ending on the We're The Millers DVD; it's a movie with a solid comedic concept at its core but one that is ultimately forced to go through the necessary motions until it rolls to a stop.

  • The Hangover: Part III

    Movie Review | Ali | 22nd May 2013

    Only now that it has reached its merciful conclusion, we can see that The Hangover trilogy plays out a lot like a night of drunken excess. To start with, everything you say or do seems riotously funny and original. Then, as the night grows old, the attention goes to your head; you begin to repeat yourself, and your humour takes on a nasty edge. Finally, three sheets to the wind and completely intoxicated on your own brilliance, you become boorish, hateful, unnecessarily violent, idiotic and completely unrecognisable from the man you once were. That's certainly how my Saturday nights usually pan out, anyway.

  • Dr. Seuss' The Lorax

    Movie Review | Rob | 24th July 2012

    While everyone is still going nuts about The Dark Knight Rises (and rightly so because it's awesome), let's not forget there are other films out as well. Like this one, for example – a brightly-coloured, sickening mass of environmental propaganda dressed up as a kids film, that'll make your offspring ask lots of questions, like "Daddy, why aren't we watching Batman?"

  • In pictures: 7 possible plots for The Hangover: Part III

    Movie Feature | Ali | 6th June 2011

    Hollywood's most talented writers are already hard at work doing a find and replace on the script for The Hangover: Part III. Maybe they'll find some inspiration from our possible plot devices.

  • The Hangover: Part II

    Movie Review | Ali | 26th May 2011

    "It happened again..." groans Bradley Cooper down the phone in The Hangover: Part II's opening scene. "Worse than you can even imagine." Woah. Pretty bold to open your sequel with a line that could so easily be interpreted as prophetic there, Mr Cooper. While Hangover 2: The Drunkening isn't quite as bad as you can imagine, it is precisely what you expect: same shit, different continent.

  • Cedar Rapids

    Movie Review | Matt | 28th April 2011

    You know the score – kooky characters meet low-brow humour in a loosely-strung together plot. There’s bound to be some physical pain played for laughs, some hilarious cringeworthy moments for the main character and, of course, improvised dialogue (I blame Will Ferrell), The question is: is it funny? In this instance, yeah, sure. Pretty much.

  • The Hangover

    Movie Review | Ali | 5th June 2009

    Rather like how the consequences of violence are rarely shown on film, nor are the consequences of heavy boozing - sure, there are countless famous movie drunks, but when was the last time you saw a 'morning after' movie? Perhaps it's because having a protagonist spend 90 minutes on the toilet isn't much fun; perhaps it's becaus...

  • Meet Dave

    Movie Review | Rob | 27th July 2008

    As sickening as it may sound, Eddie Murphy is officially the most successful movie star ever. With almost $3.5bn of box-office bounty to his name, Murphy tops cinema's all-time biggest earners league. How? A steady mixture of his raucous '80s output, no-holds barred stand-up routines and family friendly films of the '90s and bey...