Jae Head

News, Reviews & Features
  • The Blind Side

    Movie Review | Kirsty | 8th March 2010

    American football is a sport we don't get much information on over here; as Alan Partridge said, it's just futuristic rugby, right? But it's okay that the rules are overly confusing and we don't play it at school, because there is little to no gridiron action included in American football movie The Blind Side.

  • Hancock

    Movie Review | Ali | 28th June 2008

    Holy shit, Batman! An original superhero story! No stigma attached; no fanboy preconceptions; no bitching about bad casting; no in-built audience to pander to. Just an honest to Zod, original idea for a film about a superhero that's not ripped from the pages of a comic or a TV show or a website or a painting or a dirty limerick....