William Forsythe

News, Reviews & Features
  • Review: Cold Pursuit sees Mr Plow out for revenge in a temperate thriller

    Movie Review | Becky Suter | 7th February 2019

    Over the past decade, Liam Neeson has had an interesting evolution from Serious Actor to Tough Action Dad, exclusively playing single-minded individuals dispensing their own brand of vigilante justice. Since Taken, he’s developed his particular set of skills to work within the same template over and over again, becoming a one man wrecking crew in the likes of Run All Night, Non-Stop and then Non-Stop-But-On-A-Train, The Commuter. He’s even punched a wolf in the face. All batshit crazy, yet enjoyable nonetheless. But in a recent controversial interview, Neeson revealed he was once almost in his own version of American History X, contemplating taking a cosh to any “black bastard” who crossed his path to quench his own insatiable thirst for revenge. His telling of this story was probably intended to highlight how revenge never helps anyone, but instead highlighted that this is a reality for black men and people of colour, and attempts to rationalise these thoughts could be seen, at best, as attempts to normalise racism. And to think, my main concern before seeing the film was how many snow puns and Simpsons’ gags I could shoehorn into this review.

  • Halloween

    Movie Review | Ali | 14th October 2007

    "I got a call from my agent and they asked me if I wanted to be involved in the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I said no fucking way! I feel it's the worst thing any filmmaker can do. Those movies are perfect - you're only going to make yourself look like an asshole by remaking them." Rob Zombie, 2002 Man......

  • The Devil's Rejects

    Movie Review | Andy | 3rd August 2005

    Anybody with a passing interest in rock music will know Rob Zombie and his interest in B-movie horror flicks. References are not only dotted through White Zombie albums but form the basis for the imagery and direction of the music - schlocky, good fun satire of Satan rock and all the cliches that come within. First we had House...