All Is Lost

News, Reviews & Features
  • #LFF2013: All Is Lost

    Movie Review | Ali Gray | 6th October 2013

    The ocean must surely be the greatest villain in history. Sparkly on the outside, deadly beneath the surface. Fun to frolic in, but home to some of nature's greatest predators. It even waves at you then pulls you under. Yet still, posh nobs with sailboats and too much spare time attempt to tame the ocean by skiffing on its face - and we're supposed to be surprised when it gets angry and tries to claim them.

  • The 2013 London Film Festival is about to get all up in your grill

    Movie Feature | Neil, Ali, Matt, Ed, Rob | 4th September 2013

    The full programme for the 2013 London Film Festival was revealed this morning to an Odeon Leicester Square packed full of critics, journos and bloggers so corpulent from all the free chocolate and pastry dished out that the entire front wall of the cinema had to be removed for us to exit. Then the whole building collapsed and exploded and a giant sexy alien came out of it and ate Mark Kermode. All right it didn't, but if it had it still wouldn't have been as exciting as the line-up of movies just announced.