Ann Dowd

News, Reviews & Features
  • Review: Rebecca is an uninspired case of diminishing returns

    Movie Review | Luke Whiston | 26th October 2020

    Here are a couple of film facts you can use to impress your TikTok audience: Die Hard is a Christmas movie, and John Carpenter's The Thing is a remake. Wait, one of the most awesome movies ever is a copy of another film? Well no, not exactly: Carpenter took an old story and improved it, adding his own ideas and explosions, and generally raising everything up a notch. Okay, so what's your point? That it is possible to create legitimate new art from old art. Oh right, is it worth obsessing over? Not really. Are you going to anyway? Yes, after this dab.

  • #LFFtovers: Compliance

    Movie Review | Ali | 25th October 2012

    I figure as we're still technically in the same week that the London Film Festival closed, I can just about get away with posting reviews for films that I saw over its duration. We've all moved on from LFF mania now, but let this leftover review of Compliance act as a timely reminder of just how good us film fans had it slightly less than a week ago. Good times indeed.