
News, Reviews & Features
  • Rik Mayall: The Lost Interview*

    TV Feature | Matt Looker | 10th June 2014

    *An interview I did with Rik Mayall from last year that I never got round to transcribing and publishing anywhere. For some reason, now seems like an appropriate time...

  • The Look Of Love

    Movie Review | Ed Williamson | 22nd April 2013

    Any mainstream film purporting to be about porn should have actual porn in it, for my money. And if there's one thing my 14-year-old self learned the hard way by staying up to watch inevitably tepid erotic thrillers on Channel 5, it's that they never really do. But I think the idealist in him would be disappointed to see me greet The Look Of Love with the shrug it induced. Here, let's ask him. So, 14-year-old me, what do you— Hey! Stop doing that! This is a public place!

  • True Bromance

    TV Feature | Kirsty Harrison, Ed Williamson | 19th August 2011

    'Bromances'. Not content with being merely a blight on our otherwise pulchritudinous language, the bromance has infiltrated our consciousness to the point that any admiration one chap has for another, no matter how professional or academic, is now boiled down to an Americanised hug and bubbles love affair. Without touching. Here's about eight or nine of the best on TV.