Craig Robinson

News, Reviews & Features
  • Review: Dolemite Is My Name is a rose-tinted celebration of flawed ambition

    Movie Review | Luke Whiston | 5th November 2019

    Is Eddie Murphy back? Judging by the last few months he's made a great deal of effort to distance himself from his 1980s sexism-laced standup routines, so he's definitely trying to come back. You can be cynical about it and say this is housekeeping in an attempt to reinvent his image for the new age of woke comedy, or you can accept he's genuinely trying to make amends and move onwards and upwards together into Liberal PC Heaven, where there are no guns and all the Pokemon you can catch. Whatever it is I'm not sure the best way to do it is via a celebration of blaxploitation; a genre laced with sexism.

  • Mr Robot: season 2, episode 2 recap: ""

    TV Feature | Ed Williamson | 21st July 2016

    There's a dog in this one. The dog is called Maxine. Who is this dog? Where is she going? Has she ever learned to love?

  • Get On Up

    Movie Review | Ed Williamson | 20th November 2014

    Pop star biopics don't really work, do they? They love to take great, heavy-handed pains to hint at the inspiration behind the subject's most famous work, like a whole film comprising Forrest Gump telling John Lennon how in China the people have no possessions, and no religion too. Get On Up, the story of James Brown, isn't quite as guilty of this as most, and boasts a standout lead performance by Chadwick Boseman, but by Christ, its script is funky, and not in a good way.

  • This Is The End

    Movie Review | Ed Williamson | 24th June 2013

    Here's my micro-version of The Superman Project: I had no idea This Is The End existed until I got an email about the screening, and went in cold. Where my experience differs is that Ali did it deliberately; it only happened to me because my finger is laughably far from the pulse. I'd recommend it as a way to view comedy films if this one's anything to go by, but I don't want to hang its entire success on my own lame grasp of the Zeitgeist. This Is The End quickly makes you forget its self-indulgent premise and wins you over by virtue of simply being very, very funny.