Denzel Washington

News, Reviews & Features
  • The symbolism in this Equalizer 2 IMAX poster will blow your mind off

    Movie Feature | Matt Looker | 24th July 2018

    A new Imax poster has been released for The Equalizer 2 and, on first glance, it may just look like a silhouette of Lady Justice superimposed on Denzel Washington’s shirt, but look closer. Look deeper.

  • The Magnificent Seven

    Movie Review | Ali Gray | 14th September 2016

    If you find yourself staring at the marketing for Sony's The Magnificent Seven thinking 'Who is this for?', then you're not alone: I've just seen it and I still don't know. It is an odd choice for such a straight-laced remake, particularly in the current age of the gender swap but PARTICULARLY because the Seven Samurai trope is the most well-worn story in cinematic history, having been remodelled in various forms over the years. We've enjoyed it in ronin form, as a western, told via science-fiction, remade as comedy and even reinvented with animated insects. They say each new generation deserves their own version of all the classic stories, and I daresay the 2016 adaptation of Magnificent 7 is the version this generation deserves: polished but still remarkably unremarkable.

  • The Equalizer

    Movie Review | Ed Williamson | 25th September 2014

    Waaaaay back in 2012, when everyone was losing their shit over why Tom Cruise was playing Jack Reacher despite being comically ill-suited to the role, I had a few alternative suggestions. The Rock. Daniel Craig. Idris Elba. But it never occurred to me: Denzel Washington. Of course. Denzel bloody Washington. The bloke can turn his hand to anything. Luckily, Hollywood is way smarter than I am, and has set straight this misstep in the form of The Equalizer, with two key differences. One, an increased level of violence and a higher certificate to match. And two, unlike Jack Reacher, it's really very good.

  • Eight posters for The Equalizer, each more boring than the last

    Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 8th September 2014

    It's September, the month when Hollywood lets out a 30-day yawn. Denzel Washington's action thriller The Equalizer is probably the largest studio release this month, but you wouldn't know it to look at its posters: a series of eight one-sheets that feature Denzel Washington, your dad's clothes, a gun and no excitement whatsoever. Can it hurry up and be Halloween soon please?

  • Flight

    Movie Review | Matt | 29th January 2013

    As with every year, the Best Actor Oscar of 2013 will no doubt be given to the actor who has portrayed the greatest character affliction. So let's tally up: Bradley Cooper had mood swings, Joaquin Phoenix had um... something, Daniel Day-Lewis had... a beard? And Hugh Jackman sang. A lot. Lucky then for Denzel Washington who plays an alcoholic. Also, pity poor John Hawkes for not even getting nommed.

  • Safe House

    Movie Review | Matt | 28th February 2012

    Confession: I went to a screening of this film over a month ago and, as the credits rolled, I turned to my missus and said “I’m going to have to write my review for this straight away because that was one of the most forgettable films I’ve ever seen”. I didn’t. And now I’m scrabbling around for things to say about a generic action thriller in which both Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds coast along in bog standard roles. To be fair, if they didn’t make much of an effort, I don’t see why I should.

  • Films on TV round-up: families of all kinds

    TV Feature | Kirsty Harrison | 25th September 2011

    Another week, another selection of X-Men related movies on ITV2. Thankfully, there are other channels and many, many other films to watch. I haven't got a lot of time to waste talking about them, as Ryan Reynolds' M&S adverts aren't going to watch themselves. So let's go, chop chop!

  • Films on TV round-up: submarines and killing machines

    TV Feature | Ed Williamson | 14th August 2011

    It's time on to turn on your spanking new, freshly-looted TVs and see what films are on this week. Just joking, kids. Remember: crime doesn't pay. Unless of course someone pays you to commit crimes, in which case it sort of does, you could argue.

  • Films on TV round-up: Denzel, Arnie and... Renée?

    TV Feature | Ed Williamson | 8th May 2011

    That's right, it's back. What d'you mean, you didn't know it went away? Words can hurt, you know. Anyway, this week it's guns, muscles based on chick-lit novels. You can't say we don't have a sensitive side.

  • Win Unstoppable on DVD by doing not very much at all

    Movie Competition | Ali | 21st March 2011

    Three ways to enter and win Unstoppable on DVD, a movie that's about a runaway train that's never comin' back - wrong way down a one-way track. Yet again, Soul Asylum prove to be eerily prescient.