Tony Kaye

News, Reviews & Features
  • Today, in 'Everything Is Totally Fine And Normal In Hollywood'

    Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 15th August 2018

    Nothing to see here, just a filmmaker operating under the illusion that he's going to cast an actual android instead of a human in his next role in a movie that is definitely going to get made and be released and be competent. "The android will be trained in various techniques and a variety of acting methods," say The Guardian. Well, it can't be worse than Mark Wahlberg.

  • Detachment

    Movie Review | Ed Williamson | 11th July 2012

    'Elegiac': one of those words of whose meaning you've never quite been certain, but you're fairly sure you'd know the thing it describes when you saw it. Now, I reckon Detachment is pretty elegiac. It certainly felt like it. The word kept popping into my head the whole time I was watching it. So bear with me for 900 words or so while I try to figure out whether it was, then I'll look it up. Oh, and if the promise of a dictionary definition's not enough for you, this is one of the best films I've seen all year. Just saying.