
Win Anonymous on Blu-ray and dance on Shakespeare's grave


5th March 2012

Enter and win a copy of Anonymous, Roland Emmerich's bonkers assault on Shakespeare. It's practically the equivalent of farting into your copy of Romeo+Juliet. (The Leonardo DiCaprio one).

Roland Emmerich's Anonymous is such an odd movie, it's difficult to put my finger on quite why I enjoyed it so much - it's camp, as mad as Christmas and the performances range from 'A little OTT' (Rhys Ifans as Edward de Vere, the man who apparently wrote all of the Bard's plays) to 'Are we absolutely sure this wasn't filmed for a different movie?' (Rafe Spall as William Shakespeare, filtered through ye olde David Brent). Nonetheless, enjoy it I did.

And now you can too. Click here and answer the staggeringly simple question (THE ANSWER IS IN UP THERE, STUPID) and you could win one of three Blu-rays some nice men with films lining the inside of their jackets offered me.

If Shakespeare were still alive, he'd definitely enter this competition. He'd probably love the rest of Roland Emmerich's work too, particularly the enchanting prose of 2012.

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