Face The Music: The Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey soundtrack is most outstanding
Movie Feature | Matt Looker | 4th September 2020
With Bill & Ted Face The Music coming to a cinema/streaming platform/post-Covid quarantine bunker near you soon, it's a good time to revisit the Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey soundtrack - surely the most absurd collection of musical ditties ever assembled for a film.
Marvel's Cine-CHAT-ic Universe: Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Movie Feature | Ali Gray, Matt Looker, Becky Suter, Ed Williamson, Luke Whiston | 21st August 2020
Marvel movies. Remember those? We do. Thirteen months after we discussed Ant-Man, we are finally ready to officially kick off Phase 3 of Marvel's Cine-CHAT-ic Universe. It's not like the world has had any distracting major events or global catastrophes over that time period or anything.
Encounter at Midpoint: just what the h(olod)eck is going on in Picard?
TV Feature | Luke Whiston | 6th March 2020
I'm finding Picard a very difficult show to place - part mawkish reverence, part campy nostalgia, quite a lot of waiting for that classic TNG vibe to kick in. Will it ever settle on a tone? I'm not the hugest Trekkie but back in the day The Next Generation was perfectly timed for getting in from school, doing your homework, then sticking on Sky One to have an adventure with Jean-Luc and the crew of the Enterprise D, hopefully learning something about the nature of humanity (or at the very least a holodeck episode where they're all wearing period costumes). So there's a lot of fondness there. And sure all my friends were out smoking and necking, but who are they going to call on to arbitrate grave matters of existentialism? Probably not me as I've fallen out of contact with many of them in the 20 years since. I wonder if they've ever looked me up and seen I write about Star Trek on the internet now? Oh God, I've wasted my life!
Spinning a yarn: the twisted sickness of Phantom Thread
Movie Feature | Luke Whiston | 4th February 2020
"Wuaghhhurg" - that's the exact noise I made towards the end of Paul Thomas Anderson's 2017 period romance about a genius dressmaker and his ingenues, which to all external appearances was the simple tale of a sexy rich gentleman misogynist and the women falling prey to his sexy rich charms, set against the backdrop of a Brexiteer's image of 1950s London. I didn't know how wrong I'd be. And it doesn't mean anything that I'd mixed up Phantom Thread with In Fabric and was expecting some spooky ghost action. Although there are hauntings in this, just not of the chain-rattling variety.
Interview: Joss Whedon talks Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog: Commentary! - The Musical
TV Feature | Matt Looker | 20th January 2020
Congratulations to everyone who read that thing I wrote last year about the brilliant, amazing burst of fruit flavour that is Commentary! The Musical - a musical commentary recorded for Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. Well done to all of you who went on to not only watch the main feature, but also sought out the commentary, listened to all the songs and dialogue whilst reading the lyrics online, just as I suggested. Seeing it through makes each of you a huge fucking nerd (you’ll no doubt get that reference now). Achievement unlocked. Here’s me interviewing Joss Whedon about the whole thing.
If 2020's Oscar-nominated movie posters told the truth
Movie Feature | Ali Gray, Becky Suter, Matt Looker | 13th January 2020
It's the tenth annual iteration of what's fast becoming our only feature - that's right, it's time for another round of 'If Movie Posters Told The Truth' with me, your increasingly cynical host! We'll be right back after these messages!
The Apprentice: season 15, episode 11 recap: "The Lion, The Twit and The Small Globe"
TV Feature | Becky Suter | 13th December 2019
They say it’s the hope that kills you, so in that respect we’ll be ok and it will probably be the austerity that gets to us first. I mean, does anything even matter anymore? Anyway, interviews.
The Apprentice: season 15, episode 10 recap: "Absolute Non Scents"
TV Feature | Becky Suter | 6th December 2019
There’s only one week left until we get to the highlight of the year and Claude rips into everyone, but we have one more pointless task until then.
The Apprentice: season 15, episode 9 recap: "Urban Lucozade"
TV Feature | Ed Williamson | 5th December 2019
We're into the home straight and all of a sudden here's a task with an aspect that's quite interesting. It is of course juxtaposed by the task's other constituent parts, which are absurd and deliberately beyond the skillset of anyone involved, but you can't have everything.
The crushingly inevitable Star Wars group chat email thing: Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Movie Feature | Ali Gray, Matthew Looker, Rebecca Suter, Luke Whiston | 28th November 2019
It’s a year with a 2 in it so you know what that means: it’s time to talk about Star Wars again! With Episode IX of the Skywalker Saga on the horizon, we thought it was the perfect time to engage in the ‘group chat’ style communal analysis that has served us so well in the past (that one guy on Twitter seems to like it, and heck, it’s easier than actually writing a proper feature). Over ten movies we will engage in the kind of witty banter and strict discipline that saw us complete 65% of our Marvel rewatch. Now, let’s... ‘Make it so!’.
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