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  • Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince

    Movie Review | Ali | 4th July 2009

    First, an admission: I've not read the Harry Potter books. Go ahead: take me out back and shoot me. I've seen the films and enjoyed them as passing distractions, but never felt obliged to comment, given that they're so clearly aimed at the hardcore fans - trying to review them would be like pretending to support a football team ...

  • X-Men: Days Of Future Past

    Movie Review | Matt Looker | 13th May 2014

    Have you seen all of the X-Men films? Including the First Class prequel and both Wolverine movies? AND all of the mid-credits and post-credits stings that were tagged on to the end? Good. Then you may proceed. Welcome to X-Men: Retcon. I hope you've been paying attention.

  • The Dark Knight

    Movie Review | Ali | 23rd July 2008

    "Now, take this guy: armed robbery, double homicide. Got a taste for the theatrical, like you. Leaves a calling card." Before the casting rumours, the trailers, the endless posters, the death of Heath Ledger, the internet virals... before all that, way back in 2005, in the final moments of Batman Begins - that's when t...

  • Bridesmaids

    Movie Review | Ali | 21st June 2011

    I apologise in advance, because I'm about to do my favourite film of the year a disservice by writing a fairly brief review. All you should know is that it is hands down the funniest, most enjoyable, most heartfelt comedy I've seen for years – not only is it probably the best wedding movie ever made, it's up there with the best comedies of the last ten years. If I must indulge the needless gender war it seems to have ignited, the girls of Bridesmaids have taken the boys of The Hangover to the cleaners. And then shot them.

  • Thor

    Movie Review | Matt | 20th April 2011

    The main problem Marvel faces in rounding up its Avengers is this introduction to the Norse God of Thunder. Can Thor exist in Iron Man's more rational world of implausible tech and high-science? Well, the question seems to be: is a near-omnipotent, hammer-wielding space Viking any less believable than a billionaire shooting lasers from his flying robot suit? As it turns out, no. They're both utterly ridiculous. Now sit back, shut up and enjoy.

  • Captain America: The First Avenger

    Movie Review | Ali | 22nd July 2011

    Even next to Thor, a movie about a space god with a magic hammer, Captain America: The First Avenger was always going to be one of Marvel's trickiest properties to do justice to. Here's what amounts to my review, in musical form.

  • The Ugly Truth

    Movie Review | Ali | 2nd August 2009

    Put down that well-thumbed copy of Cosmo, gentlemen: here we have a rom-com that finally promises to preach 'the truth' about love. Thank goodness! It's a well-known fact that, until Richard Curtis invented the romantic comedy, men and women didn't have the first clue how to pro-create - they basically just walked around with th...

  • JCVD

    Movie Review | Ali | 30th January 2009

    A re-animated corpse in Universal Soldier. A cloned serial killer in Replicant. A time-travelling cop in, er, Timecop. The Muscles from Brussels has played a lot of out-there characters in his 25-year career, but in his new movie, Jean-Claude Van Damme faces his toughest role yet: himself. And no, he's not fighting his evil twin...

  • Avatar

    Movie Review | Ali | 16th December 2009

    How to rate a film like Avatar? Do just that: review the film, not the hype. Believe what you've heard industry execs raving about and James Cameron's latest opus is a "game-changer", supposedly the biggest cinematic revolution since the advent of colour film and talking pictures. These are superlatives impossible to qualify; exactly how do you know you've changed the game if play has yet to resume? No, the only way to analyse Avatar is to strip it down of all its baggage until you're left with the core experience: cold, hard data. And what do you get?

  • Bad Teacher

    Movie Review | Ali | 2nd June 2011

    If you're going to call your movie Bad Teacher and openly invite comparisons to Bad Santa, you'd better make sure your Teacher actually is Bad, and not just... y'know, a bit shit.