Danny Trejo

News, Reviews & Features
  • Muppets Most Wanted

    Movie Review | Rob Young | 25th March 2014

    As the jovial opening number points out, the Muppets are back, by popular demand. Because that's what they do in Hollywood, even if everybody knows the sequel's never quite as good. Nevertheless, the studio considers them a viable franchise. The tune, happily poking fun at Hollywood's fascination with sequels, is just one of the many self-depreciating, self-aware gags that litter this sequel.

  • Machete Kills

    Movie Review | Luke Whiston | 11th October 2013

    So where are we at with Mel Gibson? Poor old racist, misogynist, anti-semitic, fly-off-the-handle Mel - have we forgiven him? I only ask because he's far and away the most entertaining thing about Machete Kills, yet I'm not sure if I laughed at his antics for genuine LOL-worthy reasons, or because of some weird residual fascination after that time he called a policewoman "sugar tits" and became one of Hollywood's most reliable loons for a while. Can it be both? For what is essentially a one-note joke, Machete Kills is full of questions.

  • New red-band Machete trailer features stabbing, swearing, tits

    Movie Trailer | Ali | 23rd July 2010

    Come to Mexico, they said!