Garth Jennings

News, Reviews & Features
  • Sing

    Movie Review | Matt Looker | 24th January 2017

    I can't tell you how long I have been waiting to take my two-year-old son on his first trip to the cinema. Well, actually, I suppose I can. It's been two years. Obviously. But that wait finally came to an end with this movie, one which I thought might be an appropriate introduction to the big screen for him because a) it's about singing cartoon characters, and b) it wasn't written by Seth Rogen. Of course, I was still fully prepared for failure. Expecting a toddler to stay still and quiet in a chair surrounded by strangers for nearly two hours? Surely impossible. And yet, that's exactly what he did, while fixated on the movie. So whatever I say in this review from now on, know that my son – easily closer in age to the target demographic than I – rates it 10 out of 10 choo-choo trains or whatever.

  • The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

    Movie Review | Ali | 16th May 2005

    University has taught me well. One educational pearl that has been bestowed upon me by my journalism course thus far is this: before you start anything, plan what you're going to do first by writing down a few key words and phrases. Thank you very much higher education, I'd never have figured that out myself. Nonetheless, it's...