Gerard Butler
News, Reviews & Features-
The 24 maddest moments from Gerard Butler's Pentagon press conference
Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 16th October 2018
Because global politics isn't weird and backwards and horrifying enough right now, Washington reporters gathered together yesterday afternoon for a Pentagon press conference, not to ask questions of President Trump, or his press secretary Sarah Sanders, or even White House advisor Stephen Miller, the Salacious Crumb to Trump's Jabba. No, today's speaker would be Gerard Butler, actor and star of forthcoming submarine thriller Hunter Killer. Perfectly normal, just another normal day, nothing to see here, so normal it hurts.
London Has Fallen
Movie Review | Becky Suter | 2nd March 2016
There are a few questions that spring to mind when watching London Has Fallen, the first one being WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO BLOW UP BIG BEN? The second; is Gerard Butler the luckiest man in show business? And if I’m going to round this out with a third, does Morgan Freeman just have a stock set of scenes of him against a green screen that he flogs to studios? I swear I haven’t seen him interact with another live being for nearly two years now.
So appalled by David Cameron's re-election, Big Ben just threw up
Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 9th May 2015
But seriously folks, here's the first poster for Olympus Has Fallen sequel, London Has Fallen. Kudos to the marketing team for waiting until May 8th to release it. There's no way that was a coincidence.
Azerbaijan: spelling actors' names however the fuck they want since '91
Movie News | Ali | 18th April 2013
I'm no cunning linguist, but speaking Azerbaijan's national tongue looks like an absolute piece of piss. Cerard Batler is bueno! (Poster: IMP)
Olympus Has Fallen
Movie Review | Matt | 16th April 2013
In the land of boil-in-a-bag movie pitches, the 'Die Hard in a…' concept is king. It sits upon a gun-shaped throne wearing a torn, bloodied white vest, a crown made of bullets and a self-deprecating smile. And with good reason. Finish the sentence 'Die Hard in a…' with any intelligible idea and you have a movie that instantly sounds fucking amazing. Die Hard in a circus? Imagine the possibilities! Die Hard in a lift? Claustrocore-iffic! Die Hard in time? WHY AREN’T I WATCHING THAT RIGHT NOW? Die Hard in the White House? Sure, I'm on board. Why not?
Machine Gun Preacher
Movie Review | Rob | 2nd November 2011
Machine Gun Preacher: with a title like that, you'd expect a Grindhouse-esque, ultra-violent B-movie about a muscle-bound preacher with ripped sleeves, standing atop a pile of bodies, brandishing a huge gun, maybe with a cigar hanging out of his mouth, topped off with a killer catchphrase. "Pray for mercy," he'd say. Or something like that.
First Machine Gun Preacher trailer aka Mullet For My Valentine
Movie Trailer | Luke | 22nd August 2011
Gerard Butler plays a biker with hope in his heart and an AK by his side, in Oscar-baiting redemption fest Machine Gun Preacher.
Law Abiding Citizen
Movie Review | Phyllis | 25th November 2009
What happens when you throw Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx, insinuated rape, gruesome revenge killings and over-the-top action sequences together into one over-long courtroom drama? It isn't hilarity that ensues. It's a goddamn depressing mess.
The Ugly Truth
Movie Review | Ali | 2nd August 2009
Put down that well-thumbed copy of Cosmo, gentlemen: here we have a rom-com that finally promises to preach 'the truth' about love. Thank goodness! It's a well-known fact that, until Richard Curtis invented the romantic comedy, men and women didn't have the first clue how to pro-create - they basically just walked around with th...
Movie Review | Ali | 24th March 2007
I used to think I had a penis until I saw 300. Once in a while, a movie comes along that's so extraordinarily butch, it makes even the most pumped-up gym-jockeys look like spaghetti-armed girls. 300 is so manly, if I was to re-write this article, it would take up the top 15 slots all by itself. If you step back and view 300 f...
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