Gore Verbinski
News, Reviews & Features-
A Cure For Wellness
Movie Review | Ali Gray | 21st February 2017
A while back, I used the pun 'Shitter Island' to describe John Carpenter's horror comeback The Ward during a Halloween liveblog. As with all my puns, I reserve the right to reuse them whenever I want, so I'm recycling this one in honour of Gore Verbinski's A Cure For Wellness, another cliched asylum-based horror thriller. More like Shitter Island, right guys? Haha, good one Ali.
The Lone Ranger
Movie Review | Ali | 7th August 2013
Historically, the Western is a genre that requires patience. Typically, teenagers are not the most patient of people. Therefore, it stands to reason that Gore Verbinski must have been spectacularly drunk when he pitched The Lone Ranger: a 149-minute Western aimed at kids, smack bang in the middle of blockbuster season. That it flopped to the tune of $190 million is not a surprise; the fact that it is not nearly the disaster US critics heralded it as, however, is something of a welcome revelation.
I calls 'em how I sees 'em
Movie Feature | Ali | 9th April 2013
If there's anyone out there who actually thinks Disney's $250m blockbuster The Lone Ranger will turn a profit, be sure to vote with your wallet. You know, like how you all did with John Carter. (New poster from IMP).
Johnny Depp is a chameleon, nothing to see here
Movie News | Ali | 28th June 2010
After the jump: the first poster for Rango, the Gore Verbinski animation in which Johnny Depp does cute, but not Tim Burton cute.
Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End
Movie Review | Ali | 20th June 2007
The first Pirates movie - launched into choppy waters way back in 2003 - was an accidental success. Based on a Disney theme park ride and setting sail with very little fanfare, it nonetheless blew the summer blockbusters out of the water. Last year's sequel, Dead Man's Chest, took the plunge with slightly more in the way of pu...
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Movie Review | Ali | 11th July 2006
The original Pirates of the Caribbean was a true gem back in 2003; a movie based on a Disney themepark ride ended up being the big attraction of the summer, the humungous box office takings clearing the waters for not one, but two sequels. Its success was in no small part down to one Jonathan Depp III as Jack... sorry, Captain ...
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