Heath Ledger

News, Reviews & Features
  • Heath and friends in The Imaginarium Of Dr. Parnassus trailer

    Movie Trailer | Ali | 9th August 2009

    Heath Ledger's final movie, Terry Gilliam's The Imaginarium Of Dr. Parnassus, looks like it could be something quite special indeed. Trailer embedded after the jump.

  • The Dark Knight

    Movie Review | Ali | 23rd July 2008

    "Now, take this guy: armed robbery, double homicide. Got a taste for the theatrical, like you. Leaves a calling card." Before the casting rumours, the trailers, the endless posters, the death of Heath Ledger, the internet virals... before all that, way back in 2005, in the final moments of Batman Begins - that's when t...

  • Brokeback Mountain

    Movie Review | Ali | 2nd March 2006

    Picture this scenario: A cinema, packed to bursting point on a Saturday evening, punters literally spilling out of the doors and onto the pavement outside, apparently quite prepared to face being hit by passing cars in order to join the queues. What's the reason for this mass cinematic pilgrimage? Potter? Kong? Aslan? Scar...

  • The Brothers Grimm

    Movie Review | Chris | 3rd September 2005

    This is a very difficult review for me to write. The reason why has to do with the fact that I am a Terry Gilliam fanatic. I've seen every movie the guy has ever made, and I've managed to find something to love about each and every one of them (and yeah, that even includes The Adventures of Baron Münchausen). The guy is a tr...