Josh Gad

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  • Pixels

    Movie Review | Matt Looker | 30th July 2015

    One of the many questions that spring to mind while watching Pixels - such as "Why doesn't any of this make any sense?" and "What would it take for Adam Sandler's tired Deputy Dawg face to register an iota of genuine emotion?" - is: Who is this film supposed to be for? As a PG movie packed full of fairly obscure 80s references, you can only assume that its core audience is nostalgic parents who won't mind it when, on the journey home afterwards, their child takes a brief pause from unpacking the latest expansion kit for their favourite immersive online RPG to ask: "What's a Donkey Kong?"

  • Wish I Was Here

    Movie Review | Ed Williamson | 17th September 2014

    I worry that I'm getting more intolerant as I age. I like Zach Braff a lot, I find him very funny, and I have no issue with his using Kickstarter to fund Wish I Was Here, as a lot of people seem to. But as per the standard Hollywood template, his film does promote the idea that you should always follow your dreams. Which is fine, except when the right thing to do is give up your dreams, get a job you hate and stay in it till you're 70 to support your family.

  • Love And Other Drugs

    Movie Review | Matt | 20th December 2010

    When does a rom-com stop being a rom-com? When it's R-rated? You'd think that the very definition of such a certification would ensure that the usual saccharine sentiment is swapped out for something more substantial. Unfortunately, no amount of F-bombs, extensive nudity and scenes of distressing drama can save this film from all the well-known romantic comedy trappings. So, essentially, this is just When Harry Fucked Sally.