Joss Whedon

News, Reviews & Features
  • Interview: Joss Whedon talks Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog: Commentary! - The Musical

    TV Feature | Matt Looker | 20th January 2020

    Congratulations to everyone who read that thing I wrote last year about the brilliant, amazing burst of fruit flavour that is Commentary! The Musical - a musical commentary recorded for Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. Well done to all of you who went on to not only watch the main feature, but also sought out the commentary, listened to all the songs and dialogue whilst reading the lyrics online, just as I suggested. Seeing it through makes each of you a huge fucking nerd (you’ll no doubt get that reference now). Achievement unlocked. Here’s me interviewing Joss Whedon about the whole thing.

  • Apropos of nothing, let's revisit Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog: Commentary! - The Musical

    TV Feature | Matt Looker | 12th June 2019

    Now that films like La La Land and The Greatest Showman are being celebrated for inventing the musical, it’s time to reappraise the best thing to ever come singing out of the Whedonverse. No, not Once More With Feeling. And no, not Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. I’m obviously talking about Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog: Commentary! – The Musical. But you knew that already. It's in the title. Come with me on a terribly niche journey...

  • Marvel's Cine-CHAT-ic Universe: Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015)

    Movie Feature | Matt Looker, Ali Gray, Becky Suter, Luke Whiston, Ed Williamson | 10th April 2019

    We have two weeks to go until Avengers: Endgame brings about the end of an 11-year-long story arc and changes the MCU as we know it forever. So what better time to revisit an old Avengers movie from four years ago? That's right, we're back with another instalment of our less-than-semi-regular Marvel movie email discussion feature, which might even have been a better title than 'Marvel's Cine-CHATIC Universe'.

  • Marvel's Cine-CHAT-ic Universe: The Avengers (2012)

    Movie Feature | Matt Looker, Ali Gray, Becky Suter, Ed Williamson, Luke Whiston | 7th December 2018

    Guess who's been emailing again! That's right, we're back with our regular feature that I'm only just now realising we should have called 'We see you, MCU'. Hmm, maybe not actually. But a better title than the one we went with certainly does exist somewhere. Anyway, please enjoy the latest of our rambling chats that are pieced together during an editing process so painstaking, that this article is its own heroic assembly.

  • Justice League

    Movie Review | Ali Gray | 19th November 2017

    It wasn’t evil aliens that defeated the Justice League: it was facial hair.

  • Box-office report: Avengers: Age Of Ultron makes total fucking shit-tonne

    Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 26th April 2015

    The first Avengers movie broke records when it scored a fucking massive domestic opening weekend of $204.7 million fucking dollars, but sequel Age Of Ultron looks like it might make even more fucking money than that, with a fucking astonishing take of $201.2 million fucking dollars internationally - and that's before the fucking thing has even fucking opened in America.

  • Avengers: Age Of Ultron

    Movie Review | Matt Looker | 21st April 2015

    For how much longer can superhero films rule the box office? Everyone's waiting for comic-book movies to implode, and while it probably won't happen with one disastrous misfire that has a big Comic Sans 'Ker-dunk!' hanging overhead, this second Avengers assembly would seem like the logical start of a more gradual decline. After all, genre fatigue is already setting in, and The Avengers' USP - superhero all-stars teaming up for one mega-big movie - is no longer a fresh, never-before-seen idea. Just in terms of living up to the sheer excitement levels of its predecessors, Avengers: Age Of Ultron would already seem like a failure.

  • Top 10 films of our lifetime #10: The Cabin In The Woods

    Movie Feature | Matt Looker | 15th September 2014

    In case you missed the sensational social media event of last Friday, turned 10 years old. We launched on September 12th, 2004, and we've been getting worse ever since. However, the movies we've seen along the way have been amazing, so we decided to mark the occasion by ranking our 10 favourite films released since we went online. The debate was fierce. Arguments raged. Tempers frayed. Plates were thrown. Then I decided to see if the other guys wanted to chip in. You can read the results over the next 10 weekdays, culminating with our #1 favourite movie of's lifetime on Friday 26th September. Until then...

  • Xena Agents of SHIELD cameo even better than Warhammer, say geeks

    TV News | Ed Williamson | 22nd July 2014

    "This is unprecedented," a geek told us on hearing the news that Lucy Lawless is to guest-star on Agents of SHIELD season two. "Like all my Christmases come at once. Oh God you've put up a picture of her with Seven Of Nine off Voyager oh God OH GOD." He died later that day.

  • The 10 best things about Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    TV Feature | Iain Robertson | 18th December 2013

    Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., a spin-off from Marvel's hugely successful Avengers film series, has gone from being one of the most eagerly anticipated shows of the year to something of a damp squib. Expectations were stupidly high, based on the fact that the Marvel movies have defied the odds and not been dreadful, and that show creator Joss Whedon had managed to pull off the nigh impossible task of making a great Avengers movie.