Neve Campbell

News, Reviews & Features
  • Skyscraper

    Movie Review | Matt Looker | 12th July 2018

    Almost all films starring Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson (or ‘Dwock’, as I will now call him, for ease) play on the fact that he is an impossibly-shaped human with overinflated balloon arms that are at constant risk of bursting and jettisoning his screeching cannonball head around the room. Not to mention that he acts like a small child that has somehow Freaky-Fridayed with his favourite He-Man figure and doesn’t know how long he has left to make the most of it. As such, Dwock always plays larger-than-life characters in larger-than-life films. Skyscraper, however, sees a return to relatively more serious action. It’s still an overblown, ludicrous mess, but it’s genuinely refreshing to see a film like this played with such sincerity. Such ridiculous, idiotic sincerity.

  • Scream 4

    Movie Review | Ali | 16th April 2011

    "Sequels? Oh please! By definition alone, sequels are inferior films!" It's a good job Randy the film nerd was killed off in Scream 2, because he'd have been bloody livid if he survived only to find himself in Scream 3, and far less impressed if he'd managed to stay alive long enough for Scream 4/Scre4m/SCRE4M, the now clichéd 'one sequel too far' that every horror franchise seems destined to suffer.

  • Neve Campbell signs for Scream 4

    Movie News | Ali | 27th September 2009

    Jobbing actress signs for unnecessary sequel to pay rent. In other news, the Earth continued to spin on its axis.