Anne Hathaway

News, Reviews & Features
  • Review: The Hustle is a like-for-like switcheroo

    Movie Review | Ed Williamson | 13th May 2019

    Now then, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was one of those I had on VHS off the telly and watched a lot as a kid, and believe it or not, I'm quite happy to allow a reboot without moaning on the internet about how my childhood has been stolen from me, as though MGM had coerced the 12-year-old me into confessing to a murder I didn't commit then used its corporate weight to lobby against my release and discredit the one witness who saw it all and could exonerate me, meaning I had to spend my teenage years in the big house, punctuated only by making recorded calls to the true crime podcast that was covering my case but whose final episode would end "Well, he's still in prison. Get 50% off your new mattress if you use the code DIAL-MGM-4-MURDER at checkout." I mean yeah, they haven't done that. What they've done is a bit weird though.

  • Interstellar

    Movie Review | Ali Gray | 5th November 2014

    As long as Christopher Nolan continues to exist, do we really need Steven Spielberg any more? Ol' King Noles is doing a darn fine job of delivering mega-bucks events movies with small and personal stories at the core; gigantic, universe-expanding motion pictures anchored by daddy issues, the kind which Beardo used to smash out on a regular basis. Interstellar is the latest Chris Nolan project to take a leaf out of Spielberg's playbook - once upon a time it was a Steven Spielberg project after all - and it bears the hallmarks of both directors: it's an ambitious, challenging sci-fi that takes one small step for blockbuster cinema but ultimately remains accessible to all. All the talk of Kubrick and 2001 is light years off the mark: Interstellar is the kind of space odyssey that has only shameless, monolothic entertainment on the agenda.

  • Les Misérables

    Movie Review | Ali | 10th January 2013

    Let me tell you straight off, I'm not really a 'theatre person'. I'm exactly the sort of philistine who would probably walk out of a matinee showing of The Mousetrap at The Windmill if the concessions stand was closed. The last thing I saw in a theatre was Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark. The time before that was The Woman In Black, but only because I knew it was considered exciting enough to be made into a film. The time before that was probably Garfield: Live!, although to my credit, I was about six at the time (even so, I still remember being terrified of Garfield's perennially glassy, non-blinking eyes and fixed, rictus grin. Maybe I caught him on a Monday).

  • The Dark Knight Rises

    Movie Review | Ali | 20th July 2012

    Me, I've always been a fan of Christopher Nolan more than I have Batman. Don't get me wrong, I was wowed by the reinvention of Batman Begins and the wallop of The Dark Knight, but I'll always choose the sleight-of-hand of The Prestige or the cerebral jolt of Inception given the choice. The Dark Knight Rises is a stunning piece of work, gigantic in scale with hugely ambitious themes, but Nolan's contribution to the Batman legacy – and indeed the superhero genre as a whole – is to make these films more about the men behind the masks than the heroes they portray: the guys who make the magic happen.

  • Is this the fastest anyone has ever said 'Rated PG-13' on film?

    Movie Trailer | Ali | 10th July 2012

    Short answer: yes. Full Dark Knight Rises TV spot here, Mr Fussy.

  • Sorry, this new TV spot for The Dark Knight Rises will have to do

    Movie Trailer | Ali | 4th June 2012

    It's only 30 seconds long, but we're all bloody knackered, okay?

    EDIT: Never mind, I found a better one. Always working, me.

  • The Dark Knight Rises trailer, with no analysis or humourous comments

    Movie Trailer | Ali | 19th December 2011

    After the jump is the latest trailer for The Dark Knight Rises, with absolutely no insight or humourous comment attached. Just the trailer and a few words either side. It's really good. You should watch it.

  • Anne Hathaway to Les it up?

    Movie News | Luke | 3rd September 2011

    Don't worry, you haven't accidentally stumbled onto The Daily Sport website. We're dedicated to bringing you the finest movie news and reviews. Here's something about a stage musical.

  • One Day

    Movie Review | Ali | 17th August 2011

    Having read, loved and wept over One Day: The Book, I am not qualified to review One Day: The Movie. At least, not fairly. As is the way with most books adapted to film, viewers that have read the source material bring their own baggage to the screening, meaning it's almost impossible to be objective. David Nicholls' novel forged such a powerful connection to its characters, so even though the author wrote this adaptation himself, I couldn't help but feel the film was lent shades of colour by the book; colour that simply doesn't exist on the screen. I projected 435 pages of joy onto a film that probably didn't deserve it.

  • Finally an answer to the question: how sexy IS the new Catwoman?

    Movie News | Matt | 6th August 2011

    Because when an expert female burglar enters the blockbuster world of superheroes and comic-book villains, all anyone really cares about is how tight her leggings are.