
News, Reviews & Features
  • Art vs heart: why the bout of Birdman vs Boyhood had no real winner

    Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 23rd February 2015

    Except Birdman. That was kind of the winner.

  • Birdman

    Movie Review | Matt Looker | 2nd January 2015

    If I were a pretentious Film Studies student, I would discuss Birdman's importance at great length to anybody within earshot. I would write an entire thesis about the many ways in which it deconstructs the cinematic form and then I would go to parties and bore people with smug declarations like "Birdman is the best superhero movie ever made", proudly enjoying my own unique, daring perspective on the genre. Sadly, I am not a pretentious Film Studies student. I am, however, a pretentious film reviewer, so I still get to do all of those things and I don't even have to worry about getting graded afterwards. [B- for that intro - Ed]