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10 dumbest things about Man Of Steel
Movie Feature | Matt | 20th June 2013
We've all seen Man Of Steel now, right? So I don't have to worry about spoilers? Good, in that case: IT BE STOOPID.
The 5 (million) dumbest things about Star Trek Into Darkness
Movie Feature | Luke | 24th May 2013
When Matt reviewed Star Trek Into Darkness he echoed what many others have said: lots of fun but bobbins plot and too much reliance on nostalgia. So with my expectations suitably lowered I embarked upon a little trek of my own to the cinema, and - unfortunately - it turned out to be much more of a Slow Slog Into Dumbness than I had feared. Here's my best attempt at explaining why. (Mahoosive spoilers and frothy entitlism ahead - you have been warned!)
The 10 dumbest things about Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
Movie Feature | Luke | 2nd September 2011
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes dragged its knuckles into cinemas a few weeks ago, meeting with almost universal acclaim. And rightly so, it's a lot of fun. But just because a movie is good doesn't mean it can't be as dumb as a pile of sticks, with plot holes big enough to float the Titanic through. In 3D.
The 10 dumbest things about Green Lantern
Movie Feature | Ali | 19th June 2011
If you thought my review was harsh, then a) you're wrong, and b) here's even more reasons why I was right. Now let's take these pants off and make some complaints!
The 11 dumbest things about Tron Legacy
Movie Feature | Ali | 16th December 2010
I didn't hate Tron Legacy upon first seeing it - I'm a movie magpie, constantly awed by bright and shiny things - but the more I think about it in retrospect, the more I realise I had been witness to a truly epic logic fail: a spazzy cinematic Hindenberg going down in neon flames. Behold: the most ridiculous aspects of the most ridiculous film of 2010.
The 10 dumbest things about Clash Of The Titans
Movie Feature | Ali | 12th April 2010
From the first moment we saw the tagline "Titans! Will! Clash!" it was painfully obvious Clash Of The Titans was going to be gloriously idiotic. And we were not wrong: here we have a blockbuster so stupid, scenes featuring giant scorpions, underwater sea beasts and Sam Worthington somehow aren't the dumbest things in the movie. Because these 10 things are. Beware: thar be spoilers ahead.
The 9 most retarded things about G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra
Movie Feature | Ali | 9th August 2009
It takes a certain type of movie to actually insult the intelligence of people who enjoyed a Michael Bay movie, but G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra is that movie.
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