
News, Reviews & Features
  • A Cure For Wellness

    Movie Review | Ali Gray | 21st February 2017

    A while back, I used the pun 'Shitter Island' to describe John Carpenter's horror comeback The Ward during a Halloween liveblog. As with all my puns, I reserve the right to reuse them whenever I want, so I'm recycling this one in honour of Gore Verbinski's A Cure For Wellness, another cliched asylum-based horror thriller. More like Shitter Island, right guys? Haha, good one Ali.

  • Hell on Wheels: The Complete Third Season DVD

    TV Review | Ed Williamson | 22nd August 2014

    No one makes engaging drama about the people who built the first British railways, do they? No, we just get documentaries about it on BBC4 presented by men in cardigans. Did the British railway pioneers spend half their time shooting folk, throwing back sippin' whisky and frequenting mobile brothels? Probably not, and anyway, no one wants to see them do it.

  • Mama, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys

    TV Video | Ed Williamson | 5th November 2011

    So sang Willie Nelson. But he neglected to take into account the numerous fringe benefits of cowboyhood, such as being the subject of a new series from AMC.