News, Reviews & Features-
Happy birthday to us: The Shiznit is ten years old today
Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 12th September 2014
Ten years ago today – back when we were all going mad for space hoppers and rocket lollies – I posted the first article on this very website. I bet a decade ago no one would have predicted that the site would still be going
strongor that kids would still be using the popular slang word 'shiznit' in their everyday vocabulary. - presents The Rules Of Attraction: the full sordid shebang
Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 16th May 2014
Did I happen to mention we were putting on a screening of The Rules Of Attraction at the Prince Charles cinema in Leicester Square? I might have brought it up once or twice and covered the website in banners requesting you book tickets for six weeks or so. Anyway, the screening was last night, so today you're going to hear all about it, and tomorrow you get the even better treat of me not mentioning The Rules Of Attraction for the first time in about three months. Strap yourself in: we're delving right into Dawson's crack!
Back later, out breaking the rules
Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 15th May 2014
Come party with us and see The Rules Of Attraction at the Prince Charles Cinema from 8.30pm tonight. Tickets available on the door.
The Rules Of Attraction screening: Send us your College Confessions
Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 30th April 2014
In the spirit of The Rules Of Attraction, which we're screening at the Prince Charles Cinema on Thursday 15th May, I want to know what your wildest college/university stories were. You filthy animals.
Excuse me while I leave this here and hope I get sent free tickets
Movie Feature | Matt Looker | 7th October 2013
After putting on some previous awesome events, those magnificent bastards at Future Cinema are finally covering what I'm sure everyone can agree is the best film ever made ever, bar none. If you don't have a blog where you can shamelessly try to get in for free, tickets are available to buy here.
Buy tickets, fight cancer, save geeks
Movie Feature | Ali | 18th August 2013
Den Of Geek present another night of scary stories from some of the UK's scariest storytellers - Paul Ross not included - and it's all to raise money for charity. Order your tickets now and enjoy a guilt-free Sunday.
- presents... True Lies: the whole covert operation
Movie Feature | Matt | 6th April 2013
Just a few nights ago, we hosted our very own screening of True Lies at London's bestest venue for film events, The Prince Charles Cinema. You may have seen us invite you once or twice. Sorry about all the begging. And the threats. And the crying.
Back later, out at a 'sales convention'
Movie Feature | Matt | 3rd April 2013
Do you have your… invitation? (*detonates explosion*)
Charity alert: bid and take home ALL of the £10 Bargain Challenge DVDs
Movie Feature | Ali | 2nd August 2012
Some good had to come out of Luke watching Eyeborgs. After spending £50 on mostly terrible DVDs for our £10 DVD Bargain Challenge, we've decided to auction off the goods for charity.
The £10 DVD Bargain Challenge: Week five - Ali's turn
Movie Feature | Ali | 1st August 2012
The fifth and final round of our £10 DVD Bargain Challenge is more exciting than a million Olympics at once. In case I risk overselling it, you should probably just keep reading.
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