Jamie Chung

News, Reviews & Features
  • Big Hero 6

    Movie Review | TheShiznit.co.uk | 25th January 2015

    If you want an example of how our relationship with technology has accelerated at a terrifying rate, show a young millennial the first Toy Story movie, which turns 20 years old this year. Made in 1995, the first fully CG-animated movie was a cinematic landmark yet it was still, tellingly, a tale of simple toys and derring do. That millennial you roped in (I won't asked questions how) will now look at Toy Story and turn their nose up at the relatively rudimentary visuals; they're much more likely to get their kicks from a movie like Big Hero 6, a breathlessly exciting, migraine-inducingly busy animation that must have surely pushed the Disney render farms to meltdown. Purely from a technological standpoint, it makes Toy Story look like a Punch & Judy show.

  • The Hangover: Part II

    Movie Review | Ali | 26th May 2011

    "It happened again..." groans Bradley Cooper down the phone in The Hangover: Part II's opening scene. "Worse than you can even imagine." Woah. Pretty bold to open your sequel with a line that could so easily be interpreted as prophetic there, Mr Cooper. While Hangover 2: The Drunkening isn't quite as bad as you can imagine, it is precisely what you expect: same shit, different continent.

  • Sucker Punch

    Movie Review | Ali | 25th March 2011

    Warning: this is going to be one of those reviews where I basically spend a thousand words completely picking holes in the film, only to give it three stars anyway - feel free to knock off a star if you're not easily impressed by shiny things (I am shallow and a horrible person). It says a lot about Sucker Punch that it can have such hugely obvious flaws and still remain enjoyable for the most part - if it wasn't executed with such panache it would probably qualify as one of the dumbest movies of 2011.