Jennifer Jason Leigh

News, Reviews & Features
  • LFF 2017: Good Time

    Movie Review | Becky Suter | 9th October 2017

    I like R-Pattz and I cannot lie. And you other brothers can’t deny that since he first sparkled on our screens, he’s done a good job of distancing himself from that tweenage vampire movie. Here in the latest feature from the Safdie brothers, Robert Pattinson is the best he’s ever been (don’t @ me), another stop on his impressive redemption tour to get as far away from Edward Cullen as possible. He’s made audacious choices at the best of times, and mainly beardy ones at that, but Good Time will show everyone that I was right all along and that Pattinson is as versatile an actor as he is fearless. I am always right about these things.

  • The Hateful Eight

    Movie Review | Matt Looker | 8th January 2016

    Tarantino movies are primarily known for two things: long, wordy dialogue and extreme, bloody violence. However, the difference in this new drawling epic, is that the two are kept almost entirely separate, with viewers forced to sit for over 90 minutes of bum-numbing scenery-chewing before a first shot is even fired. Still, pacing issues don’t exist in a Tarantino film, do they? Not when every smug, showy word is delivered with all the prestige of a gift-wrapped masterclass in filmmaking, complete with nods to classic films, winks to the audience and middle fingers to the fainthearted. Throw in some cool music, offbeat humour, iconic character moments and some controversial racist themes, and this film delivers everything you expect - and want - from a Tarantino movie. It is quintessential Quentin. It's Quentinssential.