Jonah Hill
News, Reviews & Features-
War Dogs
Movie Review | Matt Looker | 26th August 2016
As I was leaving my work office to come to the screening of this film, I happened to tell a colleague where I was going. His response was: "Oh cool! I saw a trailer for War Dogs. It looks like The Hangover meets Lord Of War". He's not wrong, but it's the kind of reference point used far too much these days and is so simplistic as to become meaningless. He might as well have said "Oh cool! War Dogs looks like Todd Phillips meets gun-running". Or "It looks like funny stuff meets serious dangerous stuff". "Oh cool! I saw a trailer for War Dogs. It looks like Jonah Hill meets Miles Teller". Yes. Yes, he does.
22 Jump Street
Movie Review | Matt Looker | 4th June 2014
"We're reviving a cancelled undercover police program from the '80s and revamping it for modern times..." – if this neat, self-knowing gag from 21 Jump Street made you shoot guns into the air, then you're in for a treat with this sequel, a movie that spends more time playing off its own cash-in circumstances than trying to tell an original story. Which sounds awful, admittedly. But Jonah Hill's second visit to Jump Street pushes this meta theme so much more than before, resulting in a film that, despite deliberately following its predecessor's formula exactly, feels even more fresh and just as ludicrously funny.
The Wolf Of Wall Street
Movie Review | Ali Gray | 17th January 2014
When was the last time you saw a three-hour movie that didn't once make you check your watch? When was the last time you saw a three-hour movie that didn't sag with its own self-importance? When was the last time you saw a three-hour movie that featured Jonah Hill masturbating at a pool party? Unless you have recently watched Martin Scorsese's The Wolf Of Wall Street, the answer is probably, hopefully, 'never'. In a time where the phrase 'awards season' has come to mean a deluge of desperately worthy, transparent, over-long Oscar-grabs, Scorsese is only interested in the best of excess – for a cautionary tale of a corrosive lifestyle, The Wolf Of Wall Street is surprisingly, shamelessly and consistently entertaining from beginning to end.
This Is The End
Movie Review | Ed Williamson | 24th June 2013
Here's my micro-version of The Superman Project: I had no idea This Is The End existed until I got an email about the screening, and went in cold. Where my experience differs is that Ali did it deliberately; it only happened to me because my finger is laughably far from the pulse. I'd recommend it as a way to view comedy films if this one's anything to go by, but I don't want to hang its entire success on my own lame grasp of the Zeitgeist. This Is The End quickly makes you forget its self-indulgent premise and wins you over by virtue of simply being very, very funny.
The Watch
Movie Review | Rob | 25th August 2012
2004. Anyone recall what happened that year? There was a football tournament I think? I do remember failing my first driving test because I went to see Dodgeball that same night to cheer myself up. And in a tedious way to link to this film, that was the last time Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn shared a screen together. Since then, neither has really been keeping the funnies consistently flowing. I passed my driving test by the way.
Win Moneyball on Blu-ray and learn about baseballing
Movie Competition | Matt | 19th March 2012
Answer a simple question and you can win a Blu-ray copy of Moneyball, transporting you to the magical world of baseball stats and thin Jonah Hills. AND your copy will come with a free book, meaning you can read about all those things too! TWICE THE FUN.
21 Jump Street
Movie Review | Rob | 13th March 2012
21 Jump Street: a US cop show from the late 80s that a lot of us probably never heard of. It was about youthful-looking cops going undercover in high schools, lasted five seasons, kick-started the career of Johnny Depp, boasted guest stars like Brad Pitt and Josh Brolin, and had a kick-ass intro that's all very Saved By The Bell. So then, perfect fodder for a 21st Century piss-take.
First Neighborhood Watch pictures prove time is a harsh mistress
Movie News | Luke | 7th December 2011
Also that Americans still can't spell 'neighbourhood' correctly.
Moneyball trailer: Brad Pitt classes up Major League
Movie Trailer | Ali | 16th June 2011
This is what happens when you make a baseball movie with Brad Pitt instead of Charlie Sheen and Aaron Sorkin instead of whichever idiot wrote Major League.
Movie Review | James | 15th September 2010
Appearances can be deceiving. Take Cyrus, the latest comedy from writer/director pairing Jay and Mark Duplass. Certainly, if one were to gaze upon its theatrical poster a number of seemingly telling points stand out; John C. Reilly smirking like a bemused bulldog, Marisa Tomei's alluring half-smile and Jonah Hill's cold, reptilian eyes piercing through your soul. Fox Searchlight seem to want this film to resemble another Apatow-esque comedy conflict, a first impression which is entirely erroneous; Cyrus is, in fact, a slow, sincere film more interested in characters and relationships than timed pratfalls - arguably to its detriment.
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