Paul Wernick

News, Reviews & Features
  • Review: 6 Underground is Michael Bay at his Michael Bayest

    Movie Review | Luke Whiston | 16th December 2019

    The man, the dream. The man is Michael Bay; Hollywood's eternal manchild, able to somehow tap into the mind of a prepubescent boy. The dream is to blow up as much shit as possible, sending hot sparks flying over even hotter chics in lingerie as our hero flings another zinging retort into the bad guys like nasty little comedy bullets. It's not clever. It's not classy. He thinks it is. But it's bold and tough, and you will respect the awesome might of military technology, else be visited in the night by wicked-rad army ninjas in stealth Blackhawks. Bayhem is in session, sit up and pay attention, DAD!

  • From Zombieland to Cowboy Ninja Viking

    Movie News | Chris | 9th November 2010
