Rhys Ifans
News, Reviews & Features-
Movie Review | Matt Looker | 10th December 2016
There is a terrifying truth presented in Snowden, and I don't mean one of the obvious ones about misuse of power or unlawful global surveillance. It's one that comes early in the film and is only hinted at, but it is confirmation of a deep, dark, universal suspicion: that the incompetency you see in some of your work colleagues is a common problem that exists all the way up to the top. Like when Patrick from Legal doesn't process your request because he doesn't know the difference between an Excel spreadsheet and a Google doc. That kind of thing could very feasibly still happen at a top government level. Goddamn you, Patrick. Goddamn you, all the Patricks.
Rhys Ifans announces Elementary role to world's press
TV News | Ed Williamson | 27th June 2013
After rumours circulated that he had been cast as Sherlock's brother Mycroft Holmes for season two of Elementary, Rhys Ifans this morning confirmed the story to members of the press outside the house in West London he shares with Hugh Grant.
So, Rhys Ifans: what's your preferred real-life method of spider removal?
Movie Feature | Matt | 5th July 2012
Thanks to Rachel at Way To Blue for asking Rhys our hard-hitting question. The Amazing Spider-Man is out now. (Review here). -
The Amazing Spider-Man
Movie Review | Ali | 29th June 2012
One of the most difficult things about being a film critic (you there, no laughing at the back) is divorcing the film you're watching from any of the surrounding hysteria. Maybe the film has arrived on a tidal wave of hype; maybe you're aware of a troubled production; or, let's say, for argument's sake, it's a reboot of a movie, or series of movies, that you hold dear. These things can influence an opinion; it's your job to make sure they don't. The Amazing Spider-Man is one of the first movies I've had to review where I felt I literally couldn't review the 136 minutes of film I saw without commenting on the fact that I fundamentally disagree with the fact that it exists.
Watch The Amazing Spider-Man online for free! Wow, thanks Sony!
Movie News | Ali | 26th June 2012
One clever sort has cobbled together all of the available promotional material for The Amazing Spider-Man and made a 25-minute mini-movie. Yeah, this pretty much covers it.
The Five-Year Engagement
Movie Review | Ali | 20th June 2012
I've been putting off my review of The Five-Year Engagement for ages now, despite having written notes at the screening I attended about two weeks ago. Exhaustion is about to consume me, so instead of putting the review off for another day, I'm just going to forget about the in between parts and fancy words and cohesion that comes with a proper write-up and just let you read my raw notes. Think of it as an interesting case study. Or, like a massively lazy excuse for a post. Sorry. Normal service will resume soon. Most probably.
Win Anonymous on Blu-ray and dance on Shakespeare's grave
Movie Competition | Ali | 5th March 2012
Enter and win a copy of Anonymous, Roland Emmerich's bonkers assault on Shakespeare. It's practically the equivalent of farting into your copy of Romeo+Juliet. (The Leonardo DiCaprio one).
#LFF: Anonymous
Movie Review | Ali | 25th October 2011
Did you know Shakespeare didn't even write his own plays? Yeah mate, totally true. It was some Welsh bloke with a beard. Oh yeah, and the moon landing was fake too – they done it in a Margate car park. JFK? Martian hit squad. And Derren Brown predicted 9/11, but promised Osama Bin Laden he'd never tell anyone. No word of a lie mate, I swear. The bloke who directed Godzilla told me.
Oh Spider-Man, you so amazing
Movie Trailer | Ali | 21st July 2011
After two successive bootlegs leaked online, the official trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man has landed. Consensus? Oooooh.
Rhys Ifans cast as Spider-Man villain
Movie News | Ali | 11th October 2010
Also as Albert Steptoe by the looks of it.
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