Sam Rockwell
News, Reviews & Features-
Review: Vice shows Dick Cheney as a man with few virtues and ohhh, I see what you did there
Movie Review | Becky Suter | 21st January 2019
My knowledge of Dick Cheney pretty much started and ended with knowing him as the veep who shot a guy in the face whilst on a hunting trip. Had I bothered to actually watch all of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart episodes I've recorded over the years, I would have known that Cheney has always been the dark heart of American politics; a man rotten to his very core, which itself is a tiny black hole from which no joy or light can escape, who's been haunting the White House long before President Trump gleefully served McNugget BBQ sauce out of the Lincoln silver gravy boats to those footballers. Luckily, Adam McKay is here again to distil complex information to dummies like me, although newsflash - the political system is like, totally corrupt, you guys.
#LFF2012: Seven Psychopaths
Movie Review | Matt | 18th October 2012
For a film about the perils of screenwriting, Seven Psychopaths sure could have used a few extra drafts. Far from the dognapping caper the trailers would have you believe, writer/director Martin McDonagh's follow-up to In Bruges is actually a far darker, way more ambitious meta comedy about a man trying to write a genuinely heartfelt movie in spite of the various ridiculous incidents that seem determined to inform it. That it immediately invokes unfavourable comparisons to Adaptation does not necessarily make Seven Psychopaths a failure, but you do find yourself wishing that McDonagh had the foresight to intentionally ruin his own movie with as much precision as Charlie Kaufman had.
Cowboys & Aliens
Movie Review | Ali | 12th August 2011
In his role as executive producer, Cowboys & Aliens represents Steven Spielberg's fourth alien movie this year, after Super 8, Transformers: Dark Of The Moon and his cameo in Paul (and that's not mentioning his TV series, Falling Skies). Throw in the rest of the year's extra-terrestrial activity (get bent, Battle LA) and it's no surprise the genre is starting to look a little fatigued. More Western than sci-fi, Cowboys & Aliens at least has a hook, but when push comes to shove comes to "we have to destroy the invaders' conveniently accessible power source", it's Just Another Alien Movie like all the rest.
The wonder of the obligatory Sam Rockwell dance scene
Movie Feature | Ali | 11th January 2011
Courtroom thriller Conviction is out on Friday, starring Hilary Swank and Sam Rockwell - a man trying his darnedest to live up to his name.
How cool is this guy? Making an entrance, by Samuel L Rockwell
Movie News | Ali | 18th May 2010
The coolest guy in the world, ladies and gentlemen.
Gentlemen Broncos
Movie Review | Christopher | 9th May 2010
In which director, Jared Hess, reveals himself to be the one-trick, Wes Anderson obsessive we always feared he might be. (He also may be a racist, but I'll discuss that later in a carefully non-litigious manner.) Strap yourself in, kids, this is gonna get scathing.
File this under 'awesome': Sam Rockwell is Asshole Batman
Movie News | Ali | 28th April 2010
I can't believe I forgot this existed.
Sam Rockwell was almost Iron Man
Movie News | Ali | 8th April 2010
Robert Downey Jr is Iron Man, right? So right. But back when RDJ was officially a risk, a few other names were on Jon Favreau's list. One of them? Iron Man 2 villain Justin Hammer aka Sam Rockwell.
Jameson Cult Film Club: Moon
Movie Feature | Matt | 24th March 2010
Last week, I was lucky enough to attend the Jameson Cult Film Club screening of the Bafta-winning Moon. The event, hosted at science geek haven The Royal Institution, boasted Moon-themed props, actors and surprises, all while serving free Jameson-based cocktails. In fact, the night became such a blur of space and whiskey, it's amazing I remember enough to write it up now (albeit a week later).
Sony won't back Moon for an Oscar
Movie News | Ali | 1st January 2010
Officially the fourth best movie of the year, according to some poll or something, Duncan Jones' superb sci-fi Moon won't be supported by studio Sony for an Oscar. (*shakes fist at heavens*)
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