
News, Reviews & Features
  • Sherlock - A Scandal in Belgravia

    TV Review | Ed Williamson | 2nd January 2012

    (*chants*) Sherlock's got a girlfriend, Sherlock's got a girlfriend! (*ages by five years*) Sherlock's a virgin, Sherlock's a virgin! (*ages by fifteen years, clears throat*) Good evening. Here is a serious review of Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia, which was transmitted by the British Broadcasting Corporation last night.

  • The first rule of Fight Club is "the game is afoot"

    TV Video | Ed Williamson | 21st December 2011

    Or it's "elementary", or something. What did Sherlock Holmes used to say before it was all about Robert Downey Jr wearing dresses? Look, just click this for a Sherlock trailer and forget I said anything.

  • Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows

    Movie Review | Matt | 13th December 2011

    Once again, Guy Ritchie delves into Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's lesser-known casebook of Sherlock Holmes – the one filed under 'improbably explosive' (subfolder: homoeroticism) – and pulls together a sequel that, by the law of the blockbuster, is destined to be a lazy rehash of the first film. However, not so in this case; Ritchie has upped the ante on every level, building on the same style and plot devices as Holmes' last outing but raising the stakes in the process and delivering an adventure that's just as fun as the first time round.

  • Sherlock series 2 update update...UPDATE

    TV News | Matt Looker | 4th August 2011

    Some news has been flying around recently about the second series of Sherlock and, seeing as I haven't been bothered to report any of it, I thought I'd collate it all into one big infogasm. THIS IS THE NEWS.

  • Sherlock Holmes 2 trailer - the game is afoot. Of shadows. Or something

    Movie Trailer | Matt | 13th July 2011

    Guy Ritchie is pissing all over the world’s greatest detective yet again, but it’s ok because ROBERT DOWNEY JR.

  • Sherlock sticks BAFTA in pipe, smokes it

    TV News | Ed Williamson | 23rd May 2011

    One thing I like about the BAFTA TV Awards is how none of them is called 'Best'� anything. What's more British than that? It's like sports day when the kid who turned up with no kit and had to run in his pants still got a prize because everyone's supposed to get treated the same. If that kid were here today and not strung out on glue in a car park stairwell somewhere, he'd tell you the BAFTA TV Awards 2011 winners are all after the jump.

  • Noomi Rapace cast in Sherlock 2

    Movie News | Ali | 12th September 2010

    The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo will soon be the girl who played second fiddle to Robert Downey Jr (and the girl who made Jude Law seem even more effeminate) in Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes sequel.

  • Holmes and Transformers sequels filming soon

    Movie News | Matt | 13th January 2010

    Sherlock Holmes 2 is being fast-tracked to start filming in June, and Transformers 3 will begin shooting in May despite not having a finished script yet. Because we all know how much better blockbuster sequels are when they're rushed.

  • Sherlock Holmes

    Movie Review | Kirsty | 4th January 2010

    Sherlock Holmes is one of Britain's most enduring literary figures, thanks in no small part to previous adaptations of Arthur Conan Doyle's books on the big and small screens. Whilst it's not known whether anyone has actually read a Holmes book in the last few decades, everyone has a clear mental picture of the detective in question and can throw out a few misquotes when the situation calls for it.

  • No to gay Holmes sequel

    Movie News | Matt | 4th January 2010

    Andrea Plunket, US copyright holder for Sherlock Holmes literature, has threatened to withdraw permission for future movies if the Holmes-Watson bromoeroticism turns into full-on bromosexuality.