Steve Jobs

News, Reviews & Features
  • What even is 'a Danny Boyle movie'?

    Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 22nd November 2015

    What does a Danny Boyle movie look like? What does a Danny Boyle movie feel like? Do you know? Does anyone? There is no denying that the director has made some memorable films in his lifetime, hopping from genre to genre and from continent to continent like a gap year student trying to find himself. There's no railroading the brilliance of Trainspotting; precious little shade to throw at Sunshine; Steve Jobs, out now, is as polished and pretty as a freshly unboxed iMac. But can you name another director as high profile and as critically revered as Danny Boyle who so lacks a visible, tangible, recognisable style? He is the invisible man.

  • Steve Jobs

    Movie Review | Ali Gray | 5th November 2015

    Was Steve Jobs a genius? Was he a revolutionary? Did he change the world? Or was he just an egotistical asshole? Danny Boyle's Jobs iOpic, powered by word processor Aaron Sorkin, doesn't so much pick a side as it does tick all the boxes. Michael Fassbender's Apple guru is at once exhilaratingly wise and exhaustingly obstinate; a complex man with fearsome drive but fundamental flaws; a man who doesn't deserve a glowing biopic or a Hollywood hatchet job. Boyle's portrait of the Cupertino legend is a fizzing, lively affair that certainly has you convinced of one man's genius, although we're guessing that man wasn't supposed to be Aaron Sorkin.