Tj Miller

News, Reviews & Features
  • Deadpool

    Movie Review | Ali Gray | 11th February 2016

    You like to talk about tough superhero gigs. Thor was a tough gig. Mixing magic and mythology with grit and realism. Not easy. Guardians Of The Galaxy was a tough gig. Introducing an entirely new bunch of rogues unrelated to any existing properties. Tricky. Deadpool, however, is quite literally a tough gig: stepping up on stage to make with the laughs after being designated the 'funny' superhero movie. Like it's the one movie that has special dispensation to say what we all really think about superhero movies. That's a tough gig. What we ask of Deadpool is the movie equivalent of people who ask comedians to tell them a joke: a request to be funny on demand, on on our terms.

  • Wacky audition for Yogi Bear works

    Movie News | Matt | 22nd November 2009

    TJ Miller, the 'funny' one from Cloverfield was so desperate to be in the new Yogi Bear movie that he filmed himself opposite an actual bear! But here's the real zany part: it worked! See the audition tape after the jump. TJ Miller? You ker-azy.