
Movie poster round-up: killers, salmons and bastard bears


4th March 2012

I'm writing this week's movie poster round-up whilst watching John Woo's Hardboiled, so forgive me if I suddenly WRITE IN ALL CAPS or make spelling mistakes as I PUNCH THE AIR *dives through window, hits publish button, explodes*

This poster for cop caper Bending The Rules features Jamie Kennedy and [the] Edge pulling wacky comedy faces, which is about as funny as finding a swan with its neck tied in a knot. Still, it's by WWE Studios, so at least it'll have a good story.

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Bernie could be one of the most terrifying movies of our times - Jack Black is old now, which means we are too!

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Audrey Tautou and Francois (I'll figure out the c later) Damiens star in romantic comedy Delicacy - a film so French just looking at the poster makes my breath smell like garlic.

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Not a lot is known about Loss Of Life yet, other than it's a found footage horror to do with gangs. I was in a gang once. We used to hang out and play basketball, but then a couple of guys took it a step too far, we got into a fight, and I had to go live with my rich lawyer Uncle in Bel Air.

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Men In Black 3 is the one where the men in black go back in time in 3D of Mars.

Here's a free poster quote for any PR people currently promoting On The Road: "'It's Drive meets Twilight' ~".

There were enough posters to justify two pages this week, so click through for more! Oh go on, I'll be your friend*.

*friendship claims have no equivalent cash value

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