Cary Elwes

News, Reviews & Features
  • New Year's Eve

    Movie Review | Rob | 8th December 2011

    New Year's Eve; the one night of the year when you feel obliged to have fun, but if truth be told, you usually can't be arsed. Fittingly, that's how Garry Marshall's follow-up to Valentine's Day makes you feel.

  • Cary Elwes returns for Saw VII

    Movie News | Ali | 25th April 2010

    Cary Elwes will limp back to the Saw franchise this Halloween, as his Doctor Gordon returns - minus one foot - in Saw VII. It's in 3D! (*salsa party*)

  • A Christmas Carol

    Movie Review | Rob | 16th November 2009

    A Christmas Carol is one of the most well-known and much-loved stories of all time - a story that's been adapted so many times that it's hard to get particularly excited about a fresh take. So, when it was announced that Robert Zemeckis was going to make yet another version, using the same motion-capture technology he used with The Polar Express and Beowulf, it registered with a tremendous meh. A Christmas Carol without the Muppets just doesn't seem right.

  • Saw

    Movie Review | Ali | 9th November 2004

    They say that it doesn't matter how many awards, statuettes and glowing reviews you get; you're not a truly great director until people start aping your style. If this is true, then Saw may well be the crowning achievement of David Fincher's career thus far - not that he had anything to do with it, mind, it's just that James Wa...