Philip Baker Hall

News, Reviews & Features
  • 50/50

    Movie Review | Ali | 23rd November 2011

    You can always judge an 'illness' movie on how hard it makes you cry. Depending on the genre, it may also make you laugh or think or empathise, but when it comes down to it, the tears tell the story – it's the one emotion that informs all others, the one that can't lie. So what saltiness level are we talking for 50/50, Jonathan Levine's buddy comedy based on writer Will Reiser's own cancer treatment? When it comes to the crunch, it's quite likely there'll be "something in your eye", with possible cheek wiping needed, and a fair chance of a little dry-sobbing at the end. It's unlikely to have you bawling, but 50/50 is smartly written and well acted enough to have you fully invested once it's time to find out if those titular odds come good.

  • The Matador

    Movie Review | Ali | 21st March 2006

    What with all the clinical headshots, fatal stabbings and car-bomb murders, sometimes we lose sight of an important message: hitmen are people too. The first Austin Powers movie made us aware of the day-to-day struggle of the average henchman, and now The Matador has come along to cast light on the life of a contract killer. I...

  • The Amityville Horror

    Movie Review | Ali | 10th May 2005

    Michael Bay's at it again, plucking another horror movie from the 1970's and giving it a 21st Century makeover. Following on from the passable reworking of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Amityville Horror gets the remake treatment. But Amityville is a very different type of movie to Chainsaw - it's a slow-burner and a more psy...