
Movie trailer round-up: Django, a sperm bank and a SNES


8th June 2012

Seeing as we didn't really mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee earlier in the week, I've made this trailer round-up especially themed around the Royal family. Not really of course - that would be ridiculous. Right, introduction over...

This new action-y trailer for Premium Rush makes me think that someone just remade The Fast And The Furious with bicycles:

House At The End Of The Street teaches you to never introduce yourself to the poor, lonely kid whose parents got killed with the line "Your parents got killed". Also, never trust the poor, lonely kid whose parents got killed. Unless he's Batman.

Quentin Tarantino is back! Everyone rejoice! Expect posters for Django Unchained to be adorning the walls of every first-year Film Studies student before the year is out.

A guy plans to rob a sperm bank in The Babymakers, which looks as awful as it sounds. Also, you know how comedy trailers always save their best joke until right at the end? Yeah, this doesn't do that.

The cynic in me really wants to make fun of the sappy, indie-credibility of The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, but the sap in me knows I would probably love the shit out of this film.

In Flight, Robert Zemeckis has finally proved that mo-cap CAN look realistic. Although Bruce Greenwood still looks a little dead behind the eyes.

Kevin Smith introduces this trailer for Bindlestiffs, the first film to be released under his Smodcast Pictures banner. Shockingly, shockingly, it features young kids talking about sex.

Wreck-It Ralph looks like TRON crossed with a SNES. I won't even know half the computer game cameos in this movie but I will spend the whole time hoping to see one of Joust's ostrich-riding knights.

It's the second red-band trailer for That's My Boy! Look, more of Adam Sandler going "waughrghaugherghugh"!

And finally, this new TV spot for The Expendables 2 features yet another "I'll be back" joke.

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