Michael Keaton

News, Reviews & Features
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming

    Movie Review | Matt Looker | 30th June 2017

    Following his glorified cameo in Captain America: Civil War, everyone has been wondering exactly how how Marvel will reboot the character in his own solo outing. No one wants to see another bitey radioactive spider, but how do you tell an origin story without actually telling the origin story? Is he definitely part of the ongoing Marvel timeline forever more? Can he suddenly slot into the meticulously planned MCU? Basically, is the title correct? Is Spider-Man really coming home?

  • Spotlight

    Movie Review | Ed Williamson | 19th January 2016

    Spotlight appears to tick all the boxes as far as the true-life awards-season investigation drama goes. All-star, mainly male, ensemble cast to demonstrate serious dramatic heft; weighty subject matter in dealing with the cover-up of institutional child abuse. It makes a few choices you aren't expecting, though, and I can't figure out whether or not this elevates it.

  • Minions

    Movie Review | Ali Gray, Arthur Gray | 5th July 2015

    I hold a special kind of contempt for people who indulge themselves in reviewing things that are blatantly not meant for them to enjoy; people who take pleasure in sticking the boot into something that is clearly aimed at a different demographic. I'm thinking the petulant one-star reviews of Kanye West's Glastonbury set, or Mark Kermode secretly enjoying giving the Entourage movie a kicking - everyone knows Kermode would rather stay at home watching The Exorcist with one hand in a pot of pomade and the other down his pants. You wouldn't send a Danny Dyer fan to review a Michael Haneke film, so why is the opposite true?

  • Birdman

    Movie Review | Matt Looker | 2nd January 2015

    If I were a pretentious Film Studies student, I would discuss Birdman's importance at great length to anybody within earshot. I would write an entire thesis about the many ways in which it deconstructs the cinematic form and then I would go to parties and bore people with smug declarations like "Birdman is the best superhero movie ever made", proudly enjoying my own unique, daring perspective on the genre. Sadly, I am not a pretentious Film Studies student. I am, however, a pretentious film reviewer, so I still get to do all of those things and I don't even have to worry about getting graded afterwards. [B- for that intro - Ed]

  • Need For Speed

    Movie Review | Matt Looker | 8th March 2014

    Considering the Fast And Furious series has effectively already won the race of the 'fast car movie' genre, do we really need another film about driving? Do we really need more shots of someone shifting a gearstick a dozen times, of feet slamming down on pedals, of screeching, smoking tyres? In essence, is there really a Need for more Speed?

  • RoboCop

    Movie Review | Matt Looker | 6th February 2014

    As with any remake of a beloved 80s classic, a lot of people will just want to know how similar it is to the original - and none of them are going to be happy, whatever the answer. But then the alternative is to do the sensible thing and judge the film on its own merits, and how do you account for all the elements that have been liberally poached from its predecessor? No, the one and only fair way to critique this remake is to judge it by RoboCop's own Prime Directives.

  • The Other Guys

    Movie Review | Christopher Ratcliff | 21st September 2010

    Before leaving the house this morning to see Will Ferrell's 403rd high-concept comedy this century, I quickly glanced at today's Guardian, the film and music section to be more precise, where the esteemed film critic Peter Bradshaw gave The Other Guys an unprecedented 5 stars. Gosh. Being as I want to be just like Peter Bradshaw (P-Braddy) when I does grow up, I figured I'd have to give it 5 stars too, no matter what I actually thought of the film.

  • Toy Story 3

    Movie Review | Kirsty | 15th July 2010

    On behalf of my other reviewers, I'd like to ask Pixar to give us a break. I mean, come on, it's not exactly easy to review a Pixar movie these days. Okay, it's easy, but it requires a vocabulary far beyond the norm. How many ways are there to say something is excellent? Hey gang, let's find out together.