Just Go With It

News, Reviews & Features
  • The Redbox Movie Awards 2011: The Oscars for movies rented by idiots

    Movie News | Ali | 30th December 2011

    The DVD renters of America have voted with their wallets, and crowned every film you hated this year as the best in their field. The Redbox Movie Awards 2011: for when even the People's Choice Awards are considered too 'highbrow'.

  • Just Go With It

    Movie Review | Ali | 13th February 2011

    Punishment, I am a sucker for you. There's a theory in my household that you can't enjoy a good film after a roast dinner on Sunday - the senses are all soaked in gravy, so all you can do is haul your ass to the cinema and endure something bland and inoffensive. The kind of film a snooze wouldn't ruin. Something like Just Go With It.