
News, Reviews & Features
  • Ninja Assassin

    Movie Review | Kirsty | 21st January 2010

    There are three irrefutable things in life; death, taxes and the fact that ninjas are cool. Ninjas speeding around Europe on a one-man vendetta to take down all other ninjas armed only with a knife and Hollyoaks hair? Ice cold, friends, ice cold. That's the premise of the latest martial arts action-a-thon from James McTeigue and The Brothers Wachowski.

  • Ninja Assassin red-band trailer

    Movie Trailer | Ali | 25th November 2009

    Warning: only one ninja was harmed in the making of this trailer. The rest... were killed.

  • The Last Samurai

    Movie Review | Ali | 3rd January 2005

    So, Tom Cruise's Oscar-vehicle is in town once more and this time, he's hoping to swipe a golden-bonced statuette with The Last Samurai - an epic tale charting the fall of feudal Japan and its eventual westernisation. Thrice nominated (and once unfairly beaten for Born On The 4th Of July), Cruise seemingly carries an air of Osc...