
News, Reviews & Features
  • Been a while since I checked on John Travolta, I wonder what he-OH MY GOD

    Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 14th November 2018

    I like to check in on John Travolta from time to time like an elderly relative, just to make sure he's still getting by and that he hasn’t soiled himself or been conned out of his gas money by scammers. Imagine my surprise, then, to discover that not only is 2018 John Travolta doing okay, he's positively THRIVING as the star of Speed Kills, a new feature film/cinematic VR extravaganza! No popping to the shops for milk on your behalf, JT!

  • Need For Speed

    Movie Review | Matt Looker | 8th March 2014

    Considering the Fast And Furious series has effectively already won the race of the 'fast car movie' genre, do we really need another film about driving? Do we really need more shots of someone shifting a gearstick a dozen times, of feet slamming down on pedals, of screeching, smoking tyres? In essence, is there really a Need for more Speed?

  • Movie maths: Weighing up the values in Speed

    Movie Feature | Matt | 18th October 2012

    Having recently sat through Speed – the greatest action film that isn't Die Hard or stars Nicolas Cage – again for hundredth time, I finally realised what's been bugging me about it for all these years. Basically... um... was it all worth it? But really though?