Tim Roth

News, Reviews & Features
  • Broken

    Movie Review | Ed Williamson | 6th March 2013

    It's always heartening to report that a non-costume, non-street-crime British drama has made it to cinemas at all, let alone that it's any good. Broken, the debut offering from director Rufus Norris, is a rare thing: a film made on these shores that takes the best of British whimsy and lets you see the darkness that can lurk just below its surface, without a bodice or a firearm in sight.

  • Arbitrage

    Movie Review | Ed Williamson | 28th February 2013

    I know most words. But 'arbitrage'? Right, like that's a word. Unless we've started speaking French all of a sudden. It is a film, though - or more accurately, two films. One of them is about a cop investigating some stuff and is fairly good. The other is about a bunch of guys in offices talking about spreadsheets, and is just as interesting as seeing that in real life.

  • The Incredible Hulk

    Movie Review | Ali | 9th June 2008

    It's no real mystery that Ang Lee's Hulk failed to set the box-office alight. What do you expect when you hire the director behind films like The Ice Storm and Sense And Sensibility to adapt a comic-book about a big green ball of rage? You get what you pay for. For Hulk 2.0, Marvel have realised just that, and in hiring the dire...

  • Funny Games U.S.

    Movie Review | Ali | 11th April 2008

    "Why are you doing this to us?" asks Tim Roth's housebound hostage. "Why not?" says his tormentor. Why not indeed? Michael Haneke certainly needs no further excuse to repackage his 1997 thriller for American audiences - it is, after all, the audience the movie was originally aimed at. Shot in a near identical...