
News, Reviews & Features
  • Review: Fahrenheit 11/9 is a lukewarm takedown of Trump

    Movie Review | Ali Gray | 31st October 2018

    There are ambitious movies, there are overly-ambitious movies, and then there are 'Let's tell the story of Donald Trump' movies. By now it should be pretty clear that the tall tales of the Trump presidency cannot be adequately covered in a single documentary - we're surely in 'multi-season HBO mini-series' territory - but Michael Moore has attempted to document Chapter 1 of The Donald Trump Story, the story of the American dream turned into a waking nightmare, handily prefaced here with a perfectly succinct and necessary question: "How the fuck did this happen?"

  • Zack Snyder revealed a new picture of Batman but Donald Trump is still president so nothing matters

    Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 29th June 2017

    Filmmaker Zack Snyder has released a brand new picture of Batman from the forthcoming superhero ensemble Justice League but Donald J Trump is still in the White House so the very concept of justice is a joke and we remain numb to everything.

  • Peppa Pig: My First Cinema Experience

    Movie Review | Matt Looker | 11th April 2017

    In these politically fraught times, there has been a natural proclivity in the film press industry to relate even the most escapist of blockbuster cinema to current affairs. Reviews have been quick to call out, for example, that Fantastic Beasts promoted an immigrant-friendly multi-cultural society, that Kong: Skull Island championed the right to defend your home from foreign invaders and that The Purge is so real it doesn't even work as a joke any more. And yet sometimes it's just impossible to separate a film from its overtly political subtext. And that's what we have here: a movie so bound by a post-Trump, post-Brexit, post-truth agenda, it simply cannot be reviewed outside of a topical lens. And, of course, those that remember Peppa Pig: The Golden Boots know that this isn't even her first cinema experience, so it's all FAKE NEWS anyway...

  • Republican still fine-tuning metaphor that likens Trump administration to plot of Beauty & The Beast

    Movie Feature | Ali Gray | 19th February 2017

    A Donald Trump fan is continuing to work on a metaphor in which he compares the Trump administration to the plot of the popular Disney movie Beauty And The Beast, although he admits he "hasn't quite nailed all the moving pieces just yet".